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Masters Thesis | Pathology | India | Volume 11 Issue 9, September 2022 | Rating: 4.7 / 10
Study of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Neonates with Jaundice
Dr. Priyanka Tiwari, Dr. Rajeev Sharma, Dr. Anshika Yadav, Dr. Rateesh Sareen, Dr. G N Gupta
Abstract: Aim: The aim of this study is early detection of G6PD deficiency in neonates with hyperbilirubinemia and association of G6PD activity with appearance and severity of jaundice in G6PD deficient neonates. Material and methods: We conducted a Prospective Analytical study on all term and preterm neonates with hyperbilrubinemia admitted to tertiary care hospital in west India for one year 2017-2018. G6PD status, hemogram, bilirubin, blood groups, need for phototherapy was compared between G6PD-deficient and G6PD-normal neonates. Result: In our study, 121 neonates with jaundice were screened for G6PD deficiency. Out of which 7 neonates showed G6PD deficiency, the incidence was 5.7%. Most common age group in G6PD deficient was 3-5 days (71.43%), mean age being 4.03 days. The male female ratio was 4.5: 1 Among the G6PD deficient neonates total serum bilirubin was higher (p=0.013), hemoglobin was lower (p=0.001), requirement of phototherapy was much higher (p=0.003) as compared to G6PD normal neonates. No statistically significant differences were observed between the two groups as per gestational age, birth weight, direct serum bilirubin and reticulocyte count. Conclusion: We recommend screening of all neonates presenting with jaundice for deficiency of G6PD enzyme as it is cost effective and easily available test. Early diagnosis may prevent adverse consequences of hyperbilirubinemia as the G6PD deficiency may lead to severe hemolysis and anemia, if undiagnosed. Therefore, routine G6PD deficiency screening should be employed to all neonates with jaundice, especially in areas where its prevalence is high.
Keywords: Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency, Jaundice, Neonatal Hyperbiliribinemia, Phototherapy
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 9, September 2022,
Pages: 435 - 442