International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Experimental Result Paper | Educational Psychology | India | Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022 | Rating: 4.9 / 10

A Brief Online Preventive Psychoeducation Intervention Programme for 12-15-Year-Old School Students

Armin Shroff

Abstract: Developing emotional competence early in life empowers children to face life better. Following the adage, "prevention is better than cure", children can be taught to develop a more adaptive life philosophy, by changing the way they see and perceive things. As part of a research program to improve the mental well-being of 12-15-year-old school-going students, the study aimed to investigate the effect of a brief online intervention based on the tenets of REE (Rational Emotive Education) on their irrational beliefs, perceived stress, and subjective well-being. An experimental pretest-posttest design was utilized to examine the impact.44 students from two schools participated in the study. In five sessions of 50 minutes each, participants learnt to practice rational thought patterns, develop coping strategies and cultivate a balanced emotional outlook. A self-report questionnaire was used for data collection. The data were analyzed using paired samples t-test at a 0.05 probability level and Pearson?s correlation. Results showed that the short intervention had a significant effect on their irrational beliefs and perceived stress. There was no significant difference in subjective well-being after the intervention. The results confirm the weak positive correlation between Irrational Belief variables and Perceived Stress in both pre (r=.22) and post-intervention (r=.44), and a weak negative correlation between irrational beliefs and subjective well-being in both pre (r=-.22) and post (r=-.06) interventions, indicating that decrease in irrational beliefs has a reducing effect on perceived stress and an increasing effect on subjective wellbeing. Hence, a brief online preventive psychoeducation intervention based on the principles of REE can be effective in reducing the irrational beliefs and perceived stress levels of 12-15-year-old school children. Specific REE-based training for children and teachers could be integrated into the classroom curriculum, to promote general well-being in the school environment.

Keywords: Rational thinking, mental health, School going children, online, intervention

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022,

Pages: 331 - 333

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