International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Case Studies | Educational Psychology | Cambodia | Volume 12 Issue 10, October 2023 | Rating: 5.4 / 10

Cambodian Lower Secondary Students' Attitudes towards Mathematics: A Case Study a Remote School in Kandal Province

Kruy Kroeun, Pheng Sophea

Abstract: Mathematics is indispensable because it provides the groundwork for scientific understanding, research, and critical thinking. Enhancing students' mathematical skills creates numerous opportunities for personal growth, social contribution, and global impact. Mathematical skills motivate hard work in education and equip students with the tools and knowledge vital for diverse careers that ultimately advance human knowledge and improve society. In addition, mathematics is crucial for building mental strength, encouraging rational thinking, and enhancing the understanding of theory and content across various subjects. This study focuses on seventh - graders between 12 and 13 who were asked about their math skills. The results showed a lot of confidence, a good attitude, and a desire to solve problems. However, students also felt anxious and bored; therefore, teachers should focus on motivation and self - efficacy issues. The findings showed no difference in attitudes between male and female students. The two main aspects of their attitudes toward learning mathematics were that seventh - grade students generally had high efficacy and motivation. The future study relevant to this study should be used with more sample and mixed method.

Keywords: secondary, mathematics, cognitive, attitudes, efficacy, science

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 10, October 2023,

Pages: 800 - 807

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