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Research Paper | Neuroscience | India | Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023 | Rating: 5.3 / 10
Role of DTI (Diffuse Tensor Imaging) in Spinal Tumors: Prospective Observational Study
Nikhil Kumar Jain, Sourabh Jain, Rohit Babal, Manish Agrawal, Ashok Gupta
Abstract: Introduction: In management of spinal tumors, preoperative assessment of tumor type, predicting resectibility and postoperative outcomes is crucial for guiding treatment decisions and improving patient care. DTI has emerged as a valuable tool in this context, providing detailed information about tissue microstructure and white matter integrity and has shown promising results in differentiating between spinal cord tumor types and predicting their resectability. Methods: In this prospective study DTI parameters to predict the margin for spinal tumorresectabilitywere analysed and patients were grouped as completely resectable and non resectable. The intraoperative findings were noted and correlated with the preoperative DTI findings. The sample size of our proposed study was 23 cases. Results: DTI showed that, 91.3% cases had clear resectability cleavage planes & 8.7% cases were not having clear resectable cleavage planes. During the intraoperative stage, gross resection could be done in 82.6% cases and in 17.4% cases, subtotal resection was possible. There was no significant difference between pre-operative evaluation than the intra-operative evaluation (p=0.665) Conclusion: The study supports the utility of DTI in evaluating spinal tumors and its impact on the spinal cord. Its potential for guiding clinical decision-making makes it an invaluable imaging modality in this context.
Keywords: Diffuse tensor imaging, Magnetic resonance imaging, spinal tumors, respectability
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023,
Pages: 1780 - 1783