Rate the Article: A Clinical Study on the Outcomes in the Preservation and Elective Division of the Ilioinguinal Nerve in Open Mesh Repair of Inguinal Hernia, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Surgery | India | Volume 12 Issue 2, February 2023 | Rating: 5.4 / 10

A Clinical Study on the Outcomes in the Preservation and Elective Division of the Ilioinguinal Nerve in Open Mesh Repair of Inguinal Hernia

Nenavath Tejaswi, K L Sampath Kumar, Chaitanya Kumar Reddy P

Abstract: Background: Chronic post herniorrhaphy groin discomfort is characterised as a pain that persists for more than three months following surgery. Ilioinguinal nerve entrapment is thought to be the primary cause for persistent pain. The current study's goal is to assess the impact of routine ilioinguinal nerve excision while doing Lichtenstein hernia repair on persistent groin pain and other sensory symptoms. Method: Between January 2021 and June 2022, 50 patients with Inguinal hernias were hospitalised to Narayana Medical College and Hospital in Nellore and underwent Lichtenstein hernia repair to correct the hernia.25 patients in group A had their ilioinguinal nerve retained, while another 25 underwent elective ilioinguinal nerve division (group B). At POD - 1, one month and three months after surgery, patients were assessed using a four point verbal scale for pain and other sensory complaints. Results: A total of 47 out of 50 patients finished the study; 24 patients were in group A and 23 patients were in group B. Results demonstrated that in the nerve excision group, postoperative chronic groin discomfort was less when compared to group A. At POD - 1, one month and three months following surgery, group A and B, respectively, had pain 58.3% vs.52.1%, 54.1% vs.43.4%, and 50% vs.39.1%. Both groups experienced neurosensory problems such hypoesthesia and numbness, with no discernible difference between them. Conclusion: The incidence of persistent groin discomfort following Lichtenstein hernia repair is reduced without causing any additional morbidities when the ilioinguinal nerve is surgically divided as a preventative measure. Therefore, ilioinguinalneurectomy has better outcomes in hernia surgery.

Keywords: Ilioinguinal nerve, Lichtenstein, and inguinal hernia

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 2, February 2023,

Pages: 794 - 796

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