International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Computer Science | Indonesia | Volume 12 Issue 2, February 2023 | Rating: 5.2 / 10

Semantic Reinforcement Learning Model for Education Question Answering

Teotino G. Soares, Azhari Azhari, Nur Rokhman

Abstract: Research methodology is a general strategy used to describe the stages of completing a scientific research project. The research stage describes the methods/techniques needed to find new phenomena or knowledge as the goal of research. So that the methodology is an important aspect in the process of completing the research. This study designed a model for question - answering based on semantic reinforcement learning. The aim is to provide knowledge about the stages or research process of the question - answering model design so that in the future it can be developed into a system. The results of the model design are expected to improve system performance in the future.

Keywords: Research Methodology, Design Methodology, Question Answering, Reinforcement Learning, Semantic Parsing

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 2, February 2023,

Pages: 1648 - 1653

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