International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Management | India | Volume 12 Issue 4, April 2023 | Rating: 4.4 / 10

Happiness at Workplace: A Psychological Perspective

Divya Mittal

Abstract: People often associate work with stress and something they endure rather than enjoy. However, it is very difficult to change this narrative. So question arises is your workplace, a happy workplace? The answer cannot be same for everyone as the concept of happiness is not one size fits all but rather subjective. Happiness in the workplace comes with the power to make a choice. When one think happy workplace, autonomy and a sense of enjoyment is the most crucial factors. However, it also depends upon the organization?s ability to sensitize its employees about organizational culture and their psychological well - being. This paper attempts to understand happiness at workplace from the perspective of psychology. The paper will throw light on four pillar of happiness at work. The study will also help in formulating various strategies for making a organizationsa happier workplace.

Keywords: Happiness, Psychological Well Being, Stress

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 4, April 2023,

Pages: 1374 - 1376

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