Rate the Article: Obstetric Outcome in Present Pregnancy in Patient with History of Previous Spontaneous Abortion, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Gynaecology | India | Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023 | Rating: 4.4 / 10

Obstetric Outcome in Present Pregnancy in Patient with History of Previous Spontaneous Abortion

Miloni Shah, Bhaskar K. Murthy

Abstract: The study aimed to assess obstetric outcome in present pregnancy in patients with history of previous spontaneous abortion. A total of 350 women with the history of previous spontaneous abortion were included in the study. In the study subjects per abdominal examination was done. Antenatal grips, palpation for any uterine contractions, foetal heart sounds auscultation was done. Majority of the enrolled females had previous history of one abortion (74.57%) followed by two (17.14%) and three (6.86%) abortions history. 100 females (28.57%) showed a positive history of curettage.10% of the enrolled females (35) had a history of 1st trimester PV bleeding during present pregnancy. History of PIH or pre-eclampsia was noted in 15.43% of cases. Preterm delivery was noted in 14.86% of the women. In 11.43% (40) of cases recurrence abortion was noted among which 20 cases had spontaneous abortion while 20 patients had induced abortion. Vaginal delivery was the commonest outcome in females who had pregnancy continued for beyond 20 weeks (51.71%). In 125 females (35.71%) endured caesarean section. For females with pregnancy <20 weeks, commonest outcome was check-curettage (n=21, 6%), followed by induced abortion (n=20, 5.71%). Commonest indication for LSCS was hydramnios (n=33, 26.83%), followed by previous LSCS history (n=18, 14.63%), hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (n=17, 13.82%) and meconium-stained liquor (n=16, 13.01%). The poor fetal outcomes noted were LBW (n=139, 39.71%), followed by congenital anomalies (n=19, 5.43%), IUD (n=7, 2%) and still birth (n=3, 0.86%). The study suggested that patients with history of previous spontaneous abortion are associated with adverse pregnancy outcome, with increased frequency of recurrent abortion and caesarean sections.

Keywords: Adverse pregnancy outcome, Pregnancy, Previous spontaneous abortion, Miscarriage

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023,

Pages: 106 - 109

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