Rate the Article: Functional Outcome of Elbow Kinamatics in Radial Head Excision versus Radial Head Fixation: A Comparative Study, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Comparative Studies | Orthopaedic Surgery | India | Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023 | Rating: 5.9 / 10

Functional Outcome of Elbow Kinamatics in Radial Head Excision versus Radial Head Fixation: A Comparative Study

Dr. Abhishek Sarangi, Dr. Arvind Kumar Moga, Dr. Hari Kripal Singh

Abstract: Introduction: The management of displaced and comminuted radial head fractures has been a matter of debate amongst surgeons for many years. Radial head excision formed the mainstay of surgical management of these injuries. Over the years, there have been improvements in the surgical techniques and availability of better implants and instrumentation techniques, hence, open reduction and internal fixation of these fractures is gaining popularity. Aim & Objectives: To compare the outcome of elbow function between radial head excision and open reduction and internal fixation of the radial head with mini screws for Mason Type II and Type III radial head fractures and to assess the complications that occur in both techniques. Methods: A prospective study was conducted in the Department of Orthopaedic at Muzaffarnagar Medical College. A total of 30 patients between the age group of 18 - 65 years with Mason Type II and Type III closed radial head fractures were included in the study. Group I consisted of 15 patients who underwent radial head excision and Group II consisted of 15 patients who underwent open reduction and internal fixation with mini screws. Patients were reviewed at postoperative week 3, 6 and 24. Radiographs were taken and functional outcome assessed according to Mayo elbow performance score system during all the follow ups. Elbow physiotherapy was started on postoperative week two. Result: At the end of six months, out of 15 patients who underwent open reduction and internal fixation 7 patient had good (76% to 89%) MEP score and 6 patients had excellent (>90%) Mayo elbow performance score respectively.15 patient who underwent radial head excision group out of them 12 patient had good result, 1 patient each had a poor and satisfactory result. This inferred that patients who underwent open reduction and internal fixation had better functional outcomes than the excision group. Complications of proximal radial migration were noted in 1 patient, and periarticular ossification was noted in 1 patients who underwent radial head excision. Conclusion: Open reduction and internal fixation of Mason Type II and Type III radial head fractures is a better management technique as compared to radial head excision for management of Mason Type II and III radial head fractures.

Keywords: Radial head fracture, Mason Classification, Excision, Open Reduction and Internal Fixation, Mayo elbow performance scoring system

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023,

Pages: 2281 - 2286

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