Rate the Article: Dermoscopic Findings in Vitiligo with Emphasis on Disease Activity - An Observational Study in a Tertiary Care in Eastern India, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Analysis Study Research Paper | Dermatology | India | Volume 13 Issue 10, October 2024 | Rating: 5.6 / 10

Dermoscopic Findings in Vitiligo with Emphasis on Disease Activity - An Observational Study in a Tertiary Care in Eastern India

Dr. Hrishikesh Chandran, Dr. Prabhat Kumar, Dr. Anand Kumar, Dr. Aman Keshri

Abstract: Aims: To observe the various dermoscopic findings in vitiligo and the correlation of the findings with the disease activity. Materials and Methods: This institutional cross - sectional study involved 75 clinically diagnosed cases of vitiligo. Informed consent and detailed patient histories were obtained, followed by clinical examinations. Baseline data were collected, and patients were categorized into three groups: stable vitiligo, unstable vitiligo, and those receiving treatment (both stable and unstable). Disease stability was defined as the absence of new lesions, progression of existing lesions, or Koebner's phenomenon over the past year. Patient confidentiality was maintained throughout. Dermoscopic imaging of the most recent vitiligo lesion was done using the Dermoscope AM7013MZTS (4S) Dino - Lite Premier, with images saved for future evaluation. Results: The document on vitiligo outlines several features associated with stable, unstable, and treated vitiligo. In stable vitiligo, common characteristics include marginal hyperpigmentation (94.4%), a trichrome pattern (71.87%), and perifollicular hyperpigmentation (83.33%). Unstable vitiligo features include comet tail (micro - K?bnerization) (62.5%), erythema (64.1%), and reticulate pigmentation (77.77%). In vitiligo undergoing treatment, perifollicular depigmentation in perilesional skin (43.75%), starburst with irregular borders (34.38%), and polka dots (25%) are observed. Conclusion: The study concludes that Dermoscopy is a valuable non - invasive tool for assessing vitiligo and guiding treatment decisions based on disease activity. Stable vitiligo is indicated by patterns like marginal, perifollicular, and reticulate pigmentation, while instability is linked to trichrome, starburst, comet tail, and polka dot patterns. Good treatment response is associated with stable patterns, whereas poor response is seen in unstable ones. Dermoscopy helps monitor disease progression, predict prognosis, and signal when treatment adjustments are needed.

Keywords: Vitiligo, Dermoscopy, Disease Activity, Stable Vitiligo, Unstable Vitiligo, Perifollicular Hyperpigmentation, Marginal Hyperpigmentation, Trichrome Pattern, Comet Tail (Micro - Koebnerization), Reticulate Pigmentation, Starburst Pattern, Polka Dots, Disease Progression

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 10, October 2024,

Pages: 677 - 681

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