Rate the Article: Ocular Squatter: A Case Report on Limbal Dermoid, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Case Studies | Ophthalmology | India | Volume 13 Issue 11, November 2024 | Rating: 6.1 / 10

Ocular Squatter: A Case Report on Limbal Dermoid

Dr. Prakrutha B. R. , Dr. Monisha Chowdary, Dr. Keerthi Sravanthi Karumuri, Dr. Jaswanth Kadiyala

Abstract: Purpose: To report two cases of limbal dermoid. Method: Two patients came with swelling in eye since childhood. Detailed examination including history, visual acuity, anterior segment examination (ASE), histopathological examination (HPE) were recorded. Result: Case1- A 16 year old girl gives history as above. Unaided vision is 6/36 in right eye and 6/6 in left eye. ASE of right eye showed 5mm*5mm swelling with hair follicles at the inferotemporal quadrant of limbus and 3mm*3mm swelling with hair follicles in left eye near the temporal canthus. Case2- A 55 year old female gives history as above. Unaided vision is 6/36 in right eye and 6/60 in left eye. ASE of the left eye showed 7mm*7mm swelling with hair follicles at the inferotemporal quadrant of limbus. Dermoid excision with lamellar keratoplasty was done in Case1 and dermoid excision with amniotic membrane graft transplantation was done in Case2. HPE confirmed the swellings as dermoid. Conclusion: Incidence of limbal dermoid is 3 in 10,000. Simple excision is advised for small lesions and large ones that obstruct visual axis, cause astigmatism and amblyopia, need higher procedures. Early treatment results in reasonable cosmetic &visual outcome.

Keywords: limbal dermoid, lamellar keratoplasty, amniotic membrane transplantation

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 11, November 2024,

Pages: 144 - 148

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