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Comparative Studies | Dentistry | India | Volume 13 Issue 12, December 2024 | Rating: 5.7 / 10
Comparative Evaluation between Different Facial Anthropometric Measurements with the Mesiodistal Width of the Maxillary Anterior Teeth: An Observational Study
Dr. Shreya M. Kukreja, Dr. N. A. Pande
Abstract: Background: The face is the most prominent and expressive feature of the human body, playing a key role in determining social acceptance. With shifting demographics, such as increased life expectancy and a growing elderly population, there is a rising emphasis on geriatric dental care. One of the most challenging aspects of complete denture prosthodontics is selecting appropriately sized maxillary anterior teeth when pre-extraction records are unavailable. Therefore, this study aims to explore the precise relationship between various facial anthropometric measurements and the combined width of the maxillary six anterior teeth. Materials & Methods: This observational study was conducted in 30 healthy dentate subjects, out of the 30 subjects, 15 (50%) were males and 15 (50%) were females. Inter-canthal distance, inter-pupillary distance, inter-commisural width, inter-alar width were measured using a digital vernier caliper. All the results were analyzed by statistical software, STATA, version 10.1, 2011 by StataCorp, Texas (USA). Results: There is a strong and statistically significant correlation between the mesiodistal width of the maxillary anterior teeth and several facial anthropometric measurements. Conclusion: Inter-canthal distance, inter-pupillary distance, inter-commisural width, inter-alar width can be used as the anatomical landmark to select the maxillary anterior teeth in the absence of the pre-extraction records.
Keywords: Anterior teeth selection, esthetics, interalar width, intercanine distance, intercommissural width
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 12, December 2024,
Pages: 459 - 464