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Research Paper | Computer Science and Information Technology | Uganda | Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024 | Rating: 4.9 / 10
The Agriculture Industry's Challenges with Blockchain Technology and Potential Research Directions
Dr. P. Selvarama Lakshmi
Abstract: Agriculture is a critical industry for delivering to consumer?s food that is sufficient, affordable, safe, and sustainable fodder, and diverse agricultural products. It is critical to make the producer - consumer interaction work efficiently and productively by utilizing different technologies. Industry 5.0 - supported blockchain technology was developed to provide accurate transaction records to all agri - food value chain participants. This study is a systematic literature review that identifies the most recent developments in blockchain technology, the main applications and challenges in the agri - food value chain, as well as the experiences of countries that have good experience using blockchain technology in the agricultural industry, to enable other countries that want to use blockchain technology to do so from a more informed perspective. It employs analysis. According to the findings, blockchain technology, in conjunction with current ICT and IoT technologies, has enhanced the management of the agri - food value chain in five major areas: information reliability, information security, production, cost, and use of water. By realizing the potential of blockchain technology and performance improvements in areas such as food safety, food quality, cost - effectiveness, and food traceability, this study can contribute to the existing literature and future research in the field of agricultural value chain management.
Keywords: Food sustainability; traceability; blockchain technology; security and transparency; digitization
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024,
Pages: 693 - 701