Rate the Article: Effects of Balance Training Versus Aerobic Exercise with Stretching to Improve Postural Stability and Walking Performance in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Patients, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Physiotherapy | India | Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024 | Rating: 5.6 / 10

Effects of Balance Training Versus Aerobic Exercise with Stretching to Improve Postural Stability and Walking Performance in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Patients

R. Nithya Devi, T. Shalini

Abstract: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is one of the serious known micro vascular complications of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus having been diagnosed in 20-50% of the diabetic population. Moreover, one third of the patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy are affected by balance and gait disturbance. The incidence of developing diabetic peripheral neuropathy increases with the chronicity of the disease and poor glycemic control. As per the recent study it was noticed that in patients with uncontrolled blood sugar levels the nerves get weekend and damaged. Due to these nerves are unable to send signals which leads to diabetic neuropathy. Postural instability and balance disorder are common finding in diabetic neuropathy due to decreased proprioception and increased reflex reaction time. Around 30% of people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy experience muscle weakness, loss of ankle reflexes, and decreased balance, coordination and gait control, thereby, limiting walking and increasing the risk of fall-related injuries. Hence, the need of the study is to find out the effectiveness of balance training versus aerobic exercise along with stretching to improve postural stability and walking performance in diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients. Materials and Methodology: The experimental study was done to compare the effects of Balance training versus Aerobic Exercise with stretching to improve postural stability and walking performance in Diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients. Group A consist of 15 subjects with Balance training and Group B consist of 15 subjects with Aerobic exercise. The outcome measure is calculated by using Berg Balance Scale, Time up and go test and Single leg stance test based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Indoor cycle, sphygmomameter, stop watch, tape, couch these are the materials needed during the treatment. Result: On comparing pre test and post value within Group A and Group B and post test value between the groups on Berg Balance scale, Time up and Go test, Single leg stance shows a highly significant difference in mean value at P value < 0.05. Conclusion: The study concludes that the balance training along with stretching were effective improvement in postural stability and walking performance in diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients.

Keywords: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy, balance training, postural stability, walking, berg balance scale, time up and go test, single leg stance test, stretching

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024,

Pages: 1849 - 1852

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