International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Experimental Result Paper | Botany | India | Volume 13 Issue 3, March 2024 | Rating: 5.5 / 10

Comparative Assessment of Soil Effects on Germination in Radish Plants (Raphanus sativus CV Pusa chetki)

Dr. Rajshree Gupta [5]

Abstract: This investigation plunges into the intricate realm of soil science, focusing intently on unravelling the impact of diverse soil types on the growth dynamics of Raphanus sativus cv Pusa chetki, a distinctive radish variety. Acknowledging the pivotal role of soil composition in molding plant development, horticulturists persistently seek to grasp the subtle interplay between soil texture and the entire life cycle of plants, spanning from the initial germination phase to subsequent spatial distribution within the soil matrix. To fathom the nuances in plant responses to distinct soils, a comprehensive exploration of the constituent soil particles becomes imperative. These particles, expertly categorized into clay, silt, fine sand, coarse sand, fine gravel, and coarse gravel, manifest a diverse spectrum of sizes, collectively shaping the overall soil composition. The research methodology involves meticulously crafted controlled experiments in potted environments, meticulously designed to emulate natural conditions. Raphanus sativus cv Pusa chetki seeds were strategically sown in four discernibly distinct soil types: garden soil (sandy loam), loam, silty loam, and clay loam. The experimental findings undeniably disclosed that garden soil exhibited the highest germination rates, whereas clayey loam presented the least favorable germination performance. These perceptible disparities in germination rates can be ascribed to a myriad of soil characteristics, encompassing soil aeration, nutrient composition, and water retention capacity. This research underscores the pivotal significance of discerning soil selection, accentuating its critical role in optimizing seed germination and nurturing subsequent resilient plant growth.

Keywords: Soil Types, Pot Culture Experiments, Sandy Loam (Garden Soil), Loam, Silty Loam, Clayey Loam

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 3, March 2024,

Pages: 1762 - 1764

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