Rate the Article: A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Teaching on Knowledge Regarding Colostomy and Its Management among Final Year BSc Nursing Students at Selected Nursing Colleges Bangalore, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024 | Rating: 5.3 / 10

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Teaching on Knowledge Regarding Colostomy and Its Management among Final Year BSc Nursing Students at Selected Nursing Colleges Bangalore

Priyanka Pal

Abstract: Statement of the problem: A study to assess the effectiveness of computer assisted teaching on knowledge regarding colostomy and its management among final year B. Sc. Nursing students at selected nursing colleges, Bangalore. In the recent report the rate of colostomy is increasing worldwide. According to researchers approximately 100, 000 case ostomates in every year. There are several studies which have shown that the nurses have lack of knowledge regarding colostomy and its management. Therefore the objective of the study was to assess the knowledge of final B. Sc. Nursing students on colostomy and to check the effectiveness of a computer assisted teaching programme on colostomy and its management. Objectives of the study: 1) To assess the knowledge regarding colostomy and its a management among final year B. sc Nursing students. 2) To evaluate the effectiveness of computer assisted teaching on knowledge regarding colostomy and its management among final year B. sc Nursing students. 3) To determine the associated between knowledge score with selected demography variables regarding colostomy and its management among final year B. sc Nursing students. Methods: An evaluate approach with pre experimental, one group pre test post test Research design was selected and a convenient sampling technique was used to select the samples for evaluating the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding colostomy and its management, among 60 Final year B, sc Nursing student at selected college Bangalore. Pre test and planned teaching was administered, and on the 8th day post test was conducted using the same questionnaire. The duration of study was one month which was conducted in the month of May 2021. Results: The results of the study revealed that in the pre test, among 60 Pre test knowledge score. Majority of 49 (81.67%) of the final year BSc Nursing students had moderate knowledge, 6 (10%) of the final year BSc Nursing students had adequate knowledge and 5 (8.33%) had inadequate knowledge level regarding Colostomy and its management among final year BSc Nursing students at selected colleges, Bangalore. Whereas after administering computer assisted Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding, Post test knowledge score. Majority of 35 (58.33%) of the final year BSc Nursing students had adequate knowledge, 25 (41.67%) of the final year BSc Nursing students had moderate knowledge and (0%) had inadequate knowledge level regarding Colostomy and its management among final year BSc Nursing students at selected colleges, Bangalore. The mean pre test knowledge was 54.27% with SD 16.21%. The mean post test knowledge found to be 77.60% with SD 10.45%. However, the enhancement was proved as mean (23.33%) and SD of (16.90%). Further, the paired t - test value (10.689*) shows statistical significance at level of p<0.05 with df (59), establishing the effectiveness of training program. Chi square test revealed that there is significant association between pre test levels of knowledge with selected Demographic variables like occupation of mother. Hence the hypothesis H2 stating there is significant association between the mean pre - test knowledge score of the final year B. sc nursing students with their selected demographic variables is ?accepted?. Interpretation and Conclusion: The study findings showed that there was adequate knowledge among the Final year B. sc Nursing students about colostomy and its management in the pre test. After the computer assisted teaching programme, there was a significant improvement in knowledge of final year B. sc Nursing students. The study also concluded a significant association between knowledge on colostomy and its management and demographic variables of educational status, occupation, educational status of parents any previous information on colostomy and its management.

Keywords: Computer assisted Teaching Programme, Colostomy and its management among final year nursing students

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024,

Pages: 782 - 785

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