International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Medicine | India | Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024 | Rating: 5.3 / 10

Study of Serum Ferritin in Acute Ischemic Stroke and Correlation with its Outcome - A Prospective Observational Study

Shital D. Ghadge, Deepti P Deshmukh, Abhinav M Wankhede

Abstract: Background and aim: Acute Ischemic stroke (AIS) is an important health problem causing morbidity and mortality globally. Initially, considered only as a stress response to stroke, serum ferritin is now under research as a prognostic marker of stroke. The aim of this study was to ascertain serum ferritin levels in acute ischemic stroke and correlate its levels with severity and outcome of acute ischemic stroke. Methodology: This was a prospective observational study conducted in 100 patients with acute ischemic stroke admitted in the general medicine ward of a tertiary care teaching hospital in central India. Results: Mean serum ferritin was 227 ?73.35 ?g/l in males and 131.52 ? 84.45 ?g/l in females. High serum ferritin levels were found in 45.2% of males and 39.5% of females. Serum ferritin levels in patients with mRS score ? 3 was found to be significantly higher as compared to those with mRS score <3 (p=0.03). Conclusion: This study demonstrates the significant rise in serum ferritin in patients with acute ischemic stroke and correlates with high NIHSS score. Patients with lower serum ferritin levels had better outcomes as compared to those with high serum ferritin levels and this difference was statistically significant.

Keywords: Ferritin, Prognostic marker, Acute ischemic stroke, NIHSS score, mRS score

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024,

Pages: 596 - 599

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