Rate the Article: A Study of Anatomical Positional Variation of Appendix by USG Findings and Analysing with Operative Findings in Patients of Appendicitis at a Tertiary Health Center, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | General Surgery | India | Volume 13 Issue 5, May 2024 | Rating: 5.4 / 10

A Study of Anatomical Positional Variation of Appendix by USG Findings and Analysing with Operative Findings in Patients of Appendicitis at a Tertiary Health Center

Dr. Kavitha Gondesi, Dr. Shashirekha C. A. , Dr. Ravikiran H. R. , Dr. Sunil Mathew

Abstract: Introduction: Appendix is a diverticulum of the cecum. It is a wormlike structure. Though a remarkably constant structure, appendix is occasionally subjected to extremes of variation. Appendix is one of the most mobile viscera with positional variation. A strong association has been found between position of appendix and severity of appendicitis, resulting in longer hospital stays and in high incidence of gangrene and perforation. This study aims to determine the position of appendix identification by ultrasound abdomen and analysing with intraoperative findings. Materials and methods: This research involved 100 participants. The study group comprised of 100 individuals diagnosed with Acute Appendicitis and posted for surgery in the Department of General Surgery, at Sri DevarajUrs Medical College. The study was conducted over a one - year period, from October 2022 to October 2023. Results: 100 patients of appendicectomy were studied. Of the whole group 62% (N = 62) were male and 38% (N = 38) female. Patients of all the age and both sex were studied. The positions of the appendix found were as follows (In descending order): - retrocecal: 66% (N=66), pelvic: 27% (N=27), post - ileal: 3% (N=3), subcecal: 2% (N=2), paracecal: 1% (N=1), pre - ileal: 1% (N=1). Conclusion: The study identifies most common position is retrocecal one. Signs and symptoms show discrepancy depending upon the position of the appendix. This will lead to misdiagnosis of appendicitis with other medical or surgical conditions and diagnosis will be delayed. This results in development of an advanced appendicitis, high incidence of gangrene, perforation, peritonitis, which results in longer hospital stay. Therefore, knowledge of various positions of appendix is useful.

Keywords: Acute Appendicitis, Positional variation of Appendix, Ultrasonography Abdomen

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 5, May 2024,

Pages: 1516 - 1518

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