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Research Paper | Biological Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Enhanced Production of Cephalosporin by Entrapment of Cephalosporium Acremonium Spores in Various Support Materials
A. Swaroopa Rani, H R V N Goutham Rao, A. Kiran Kumar, B. Hima, A. Ravali
Abstract: In order to know the effect of supports on cephalosporin production under similar experimental conditions, Cephalosporium acremonium cells were immobilized by entrapment with Carragenan, Alginate, Agar, chistosan, Agarose, gelatin & PVA as support materials. A set of experiment with free cells was maintained as control. Cephalosporin production by immobilized & free cells was estimated from 24 hrs to 168 hrs of fermentation. In all cases cephalosporin production was found to be high at 72 hrs when immobilized. Whereas, free cells showed high production at 120 hrs. Agar was found to be a better support material than other supports used for immobilization. From the results of repeated batch fermentation in shake flasks, a good level of antibiotic was maintained for a period of about 30 days using 2 % agar as support material.
Keywords: Cephalosporin, Cacremonium, entrapment, support materials, agar
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014,
Pages: 2466 - 2468