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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Direct Vector Switching Control Technique for 3? VSC for PFC
K. Ramya, CH. Jayavardhana Rao, Dr. Venugopal
Abstract: In the present Scenario the Reactive power in Transmission System is more because of which the operating effeciency is very less. Therefore in the Proposed Concept the design of SVPWM Control for a three-phase voltage source converter (VSC) which act as a Static Synchronous Compensators to provide reactive power compensation. SVPWM technique is provided with frame. The VSC as STATCOM provide efficient damping for sub synchronous resonance that enhance the Power System Stability in addition to RPC. The different Pulse width modulation techniques like SPWM, THIPWM and SVPWM. Among the different PWM techniques SVPWM is implemented so as to achieve better digital realization and DC bus Utilization. The space vector control algorithm in VSC provides different functions such as reactive power compensation for Power factor correction, Harmonic Elimination, Load balancing for both linear and non-linear loads. The proposed method relies on nonlinear model of the VSC that accounts for uncertainty in three system parameters. The design ensures asymptotic tracking of q-axis current and dc-voltage reference trajectories. Modeling, Simulation and experimental results are done in MATLAB to verify the performance of the controller with respect to the vector control method.
Keywords: VSC as STATCOM, Space vector PWM, Space Vector- Z source
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014,
Pages: 70 - 76