International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Management | Indonesia | Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015 | Rating: 7.1 / 10

Marketing Strategies and Their Impact on Marketing Performance of Indonesian Ship Classification Society

Budi Rustandi Kartawinata, Aditya Wardhana

Abstract: This study investigating marketing strategies that includes implementation of market strategies and marketing mix strategies that affect the marketing performance of Indonesian Ship Classification Society. In this research, which includes the implementation of market strategies which include segmentation strategy, targeting strategy. and positioning strategy (STP) and marketing mix strategies which include product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy, promotion strategy, process strategy, physical evidence strategy, and people strategy (7Ps), meanwhile the performance of the marketing of covering the sales volume, profit, and market share. The type of research is descriptive method and used a method of causality by using path analysis. This study using a survey method and proportionate clusters sampling method. Data is collected from the population of Indonesian Ship Classification Societys customers as 13.272 customers using with the sample collection formulas obtained a total of 200 customers in Indonesia as respondents. Marketing strategies (consist of market strategies and marketing mix strategies) and marketing performance of Indonesian Ship Classification Society in general shows good condition. The dominant factor in the market strategies is targeting. The dominant factor in marketing mix strategies is distribution. The dominant factor in the marketing performance is sales volume. Market strategies significantly influence on the performance marketing as 21.3 %. Marketing mix strategies significant influence on the performance marketing as 22.8 %. Market strategies significant influence on the marketing mix strategies as 49.4 %. Marketing strategies which includes the market strategies and marketing mix strategies simultaneously have significant influence on the performance marketing as 34.4 %.

Keywords: marketing strategy, market strategy, marketing mix strategy, marketing performance

Edition: Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015,

Pages: 69 - 74

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