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Research Paper | Home Science | India | Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015 | Rating: 6.4 / 10
Comfort Properties of Ecologically Friendly Sisal Union Fabrics
Shiresha Manyam, Dr. A. Padma, Dr. D. Anitha
Abstract: The concern of the consumers for variety in textiles is driving the textile industry for designing and producing new textiles from time to time. The efforts were taken to develop Eco-friendly and biodegradable fibres to control non-polluting environment. The renewed sisal fibre is produced because of its high potential applications. Enzymes are playing a major role in finishing of textiles in an eco-friendly way, protecting the environment on one side and providing gentle finish on the other side. The bio-polishing was carried out on sisal fibre in order to soften the fibre for good pliability and impart the smooth feel and handle of the fabric. Enzymes are advantageous because of their low activation energy requirement. Various scientists have reported that enzymes are safe to use and easily bio-degradable. Therefore the present study was undertaken to assess the performance characteristics of the enzyme treated sisal fibres with three different enzymes New smooth (2 %), Microsil (1.5 %), Sibasof (0.5 %) with cellulase enzyme Britacel L+. After enzyme treatment the sisal fibres were used to weave union fabrics with cotton yarn and subjected to various laboratory tests to evaluate the geometrical, handle, comfort and mechanical properties, the standard BIS and ASTM procedures were followed for the above. The data obtained in the study was compiled, tabulated and statistically analyzed using frequency and percentage for subjective evaluation and by two way ANOVA (factorial CRD) for laboratory tests.
Keywords: eco- friendly, sisal, union fabrics, enzymes
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015,
Pages: 1748 - 1750