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Research Paper | Chemistry | India | Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015 | Rating: 6.6 / 10
Studies of Thermo-Chemical Interactions of Aqueous L-Proline with 2-Ethoxyethanol System at 308.15K and at Various Concentrations
Avinash Kachare, Devidas Patil
Abstract: The thermo-chemical parameters viz. density (), viscosity (), and ultrasonic velocity (u) have been measured for aqueous l-proline with 2-ethoxyethanol system at 0.1 to 1 mole fractions and at 308.15K. The concentration increases of 2-ethoxyethanol the density, viscosity and ultrasonic velocity decreases, due to weak solute-solvent interactions. It results structure-breaking of the solvent. Thus it is confirmed from the above parameters that, there is a weak association between present systems showing hydrophobic nature.
Keywords: Acoustical impedance, adiabatic compressibility, relaxation time, Raos constant, Wadas constant
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015,
Pages: 2359 - 2365