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Research Paper | Environmental Science Studies | India | Volume 4 Issue 3, March 2015 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Impact of Industrial Pollution on Human Health in Yamuna Nagar, Haryana
Manju Sharma, Smita Chaudhry
Abstract: Human health is very closely linked to environmental quality. The basic objective of this study was to identify the common health problems with status and level of typical population (target group), which are residing near industrial areas in Yamuna Nagar Haryana. The results of the present study are based on the information obtained by taking help of questionnaire, focus group discussion and observation, from three different areas i. e. around sugar mill, paper mill and thermal power plant. The results of the survey in this study showed that the main pollution sources in the city were industries (78 %), followed by traffic (18 %) and domestic (3 %). The major type of pollution which inhabitants faced in study area was noise (31 %), followed by water (26 %), air (26 %) and land (17 %). As general respiratory problems were found to be more prevalent in paper mill zone, and asthma and fever were found to be in higher extent in thermal power plant and sugar mill zone respectively. The most prevalent common and allergy problem in all industrial areas was found to be headache and eye irritation respectively, and the most prominent diseases in present study were found to be asthma, fever and malaria.
Keywords: human health, sugar mill, paper mill, thermal power plant, diseases, Yamuna Nagar
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 3, March 2015,
Pages: 209 - 213