International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Case Studies | Medicine Science | Bulgaria | Volume 4 Issue 3, March 2015 | Rating: 6.8 / 10

Direct Pulp Capping with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate in Primary Teeth: 2 Year Follow-Up

N. Milcheva

Abstract: Pulp therapy techniques in primary dentition are similar to those clinically tested and approved in permanent dentition because of new evidences about regenerative and reparative potential of odontoblasts and odontoblastlike cells in pulp of primary teeth. Direct pulp capping (DPC) as a treatment method of reversible pulpitis causes controversy about its level of success and its indications for application in primary dentition. Mineral trioxide aggregate is a biocompatible pulp capping material with excellent hermetic features, antibacterial effect and ability to stimulate the pulp and its cells content for regeneration and new hard tissue production when it is in direct contact with the pulp. This gives us a reason to choose MTA as a pulp capping material in our study. The aim of the study is to implement the DPC with MTA in primary dentition for a treatment of reversible pulpitis, to approbate its specific clinical protocol and to establish the level of success after 24 mouths follow-up period. Material and methods. Children between 4 and 6 years old were included in the study with at least one deep caries lesion on primary molar or canin. Total number of teeth included in the investigation was 35. It was performed a complete excavation during which the pulp was necessarily exposed up to 1 mm in diameter. he small pulp exposure was covered with MTA paste and the cavity was finished with lining of glasjonomer cement and compomer and adhesive system as a permanent filling. All cases were followed up clinically at 6 months, 1 year and 2 years after the treatment and radiographically at first and second year after treatment. Results The success rate after first follow up period is 82, 86 % of clinical success and than at first and second year after treatment all other teeth were classified as successful according to clinical and radiographic criteria of success. Conclusion Direct pulp capping as a method of choice for treatment of reversible inflammation of the pulp of primary teeth has its advantages which should be proven through more quality studies.

Keywords: Direct pulp capping, Mineral trioxide aggregate, primary teeth, regeneration, reversible pulpitis,

Edition: Volume 4 Issue 3, March 2015,

Pages: 1039 - 1042

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