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Research Paper | Environmental Science Studies | Bangladesh | Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015 | Rating: 6.3 / 10
Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Emission from the Livestock Sector of Bangladesh
Sayka Jahan, Dr. Abul Kalam Azad
Abstract: Livestocks are a significant contributor to global greenhouse (CH4, N2O) gas emissions. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the livestock sector are confined to enteric fermentation and manure management. The present study focused on estimation of GHGs emission from livestock sector by using country specific emission factors for individual livestock population and annual head of different livestock population. From the emission estimation it has been found that, in the year 2008-09 the estimated GHG emission is 601.25 Gg CH4 and 17.97 Gg N2O, in 2005-06 the emission was 578.96 Gg CH4 and 16.99 Gg N2O whereas in 1996 it was 521.62 Gg CH4 and 14.69 Gg N2O. From the emission trend it is found that, GHGs emission from livestock sector is in increasing trend in which methane emission is the dominant one, while nitrous oxide is negligible. Enteric fermentation is the major source (about 80 %) of methane emission whereas manure management contributes other 20 %. Again pasture range and paddock (grazing) is the main source of nitrous oxide emission which accounts for about 74 % of the total nitrous oxide emission. Ruminants, especially bovines are the largest source (91 %) of methane emission. The estimate also highlights methane emissions from dairy and non-dairy bovines and vulnerability of climate changes, which are useful in formulating mitigation strategies.
Keywords: Greenhouse gas, Anaerobic Lagoon, Methane, Animal Waste Management System
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015,
Pages: 1148 - 1155