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Research Paper | Physics Science | India | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015 | Rating: 6.6 / 10
Studies on Thermal, Microhardness and Di-Electric Properties of Glycine Copper Chloride
S. Sudha, M. Suresh, K. Suresh
Abstract: Copper Chloride doped Glycine crystals were grown from aqueous solution by natural evaporation method. The grown crystals were subjected to thermal (TG-DTA), Di-electric studies and Microhardness analysis. The grown Copper Chloride doped Glycine crystals were found to be highly transparent and full faced. From TGA/DTA curve, it is found that the crystals were thermally stable and there is an improvement in stability due to dopants added with Glycine. The dielectric properties are correlated with electro-optical properties of the crystals. Copper Chloride doped Glycine has higher dielectric constant and low dielectric loss than pure Glycine. Glycine Copper Chloride crystals have low micro hardness value than that of pure Glycine crystal. The crystals are soft substances. Thus, the grown crystals are useful in fabrication of optoelectronic devices.
Keywords: Glycine Copper Chloride, dopant-copper chloride on Glycine crystal, solution growth, Crystal growth
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015,
Pages: 2933 - 2936