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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Malware Detection System using ID3 Algorithm for Android
Trupti D. Deshmukh, Vrunda K. Bhusari
Abstract: The popularity of Android OS for mobile is inviting the threats such as malwares. The term -malware- is defined as variety of form of intrusive software. Malware is any program or data which affects the working of a device. Thus malware detection is the invigorating issue in the computer security. To avoid the malware attacks different anti-malwares are also have been developed. But there is a need to evaluate these anti-malwares which can be done by using Droid Chameleon. Droid Chameleon does the transformation of malwares automatically and helps to check the efficiency of anti-malware. Here we propose a system that identifies the malicious apps affected due to malwares. The permissions given by android apps are used as the dataset. The ID3 algorithm is used to apply mining on these datasets i. e. training is provided to generate the trained dataset. The Admin will take care of new entries of malwares as well as apps in the database. The results are shown as whether the given app is malicious or not.
Keywords: Malware, Anti-malware, Android, mobile
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015,
Pages: 1736 - 1740