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Research Paper | Earth Science and Engineering | Nigeria | Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015 | Rating: 6.1 / 10
Inventory and Preliminary Limnological Investigation of Lakes in Opi-Agu, Enugu State, Nigeria
D. C. Ozoko, S. I Ifediegwu
Abstract: The purpose of this work was to take a full inventory of existing lakes in a study area where only one lake was recognized. Field trips yielded a total of nine lakes classified genetically and also the basis of trophic characteristics. Three of the lakes have a tectonic origin while six are oxbow lakes formed by fluvial processes. One lake tends towards eutrophication. Eight of the lakes are mesotrophic. All the lakes have excellent biodiversity that will require further investigation.
Keywords: Opiagu, inventory, biodiversity, tectonic lakes
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015,
Pages: 1930 - 1934