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Research Paper | Pediatrics | India | Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015 | Rating: 6.6 / 10
Various Clinical Manifestations of HIV among Age Group 18 Months to 12 Years of Age
Elizabeth Bandrapalli M.D, P. Jhansi Rani M.D.
Abstract: Background The present study is being conducted in Guntur Medical College/GGH, Guntur to identify clinical features and most common presentations of HIV/AIDS so as to facilitate the early clinical diagnosis of the disease, thus giving a better quality of life to the child once diagnosed as HIV positive. Methods This study is a cross sectional study which includes 50 children who are diagnosed to be HIV positive, admitted in the Department of pediatrics, Government general hospital, Guntur. Results Various clinical manifestations were noted in our study group common being failure to thrive, recurrent respiratory infections, tuberculosis, chronic diarrhoeas. Conclusion Majority of children in our study group had PEM associated with pallor which has an adverse effect on the outcome of HIV. Hence nutritional advise is essential which by improving the immunity plays crucial role in preventing infections thereby improving the long time survival of HIV positive children
Keywords: HIV, immunodeficiency, tuberculosis, PEM
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015,
Pages: 1633 - 1637