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Case Studies | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015 | Rating: 6.1 / 10
Giant Non Parasitic Hepatic Cyst: Case Report and Review of Literature
Sharad S. Sawant, Bhosle D.N.
Abstract: Benign Hepatic cysts can be divided into parasitic and non parasitic. The majority of patients with on parasitic liver cysts are asymptomatic. Cysts are usually diagnosed incidentally at laparotomy or on radiological investigations done for some other reasons. Symptomatic cases are very uncommon and require perative treatment. Here we report a case of 45 year old female presented with a symptomatic solitary huge non parasitic liver cyst. It was treated by wide unroofing of the cyst by an exploratory laparotomy.
Keywords: Non Parasitic, Hepatic Cyst, Exploratory Laparotomt, Ct Scan, Unroofing
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015,
Pages: 1660 - 1662