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Research Paper | Environmental Science Studies | Pakistan | Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
People's Perception about Poor Quality of Drinking Water and Its Impact on Human Health in Rural Areas of Tehsil Samundri Pakistan
Hassan Ali, Muhmmad Sohail Akhtar
Abstract: The aim of the present study is to investigate the perception about the impact of poor quality of drinking water on human health in rural areas of tehsil Samundri, district Faisalabad. Two union councils were selected randomly from the selected tehsil, and then four villages (two from each union council) were selected randomly. A sample of 110 respondents selected proportionally. Information was gathered through well- structured research tool (Interviewing Schedule) which was developed in the light of study objectives. A majority of the respondents, 63.6 percent, reported that they used hand pumps for water, 59.1 percent of them used electric pump water for drinking purpose. Little less than one-fourth i. e.22.7 percent of the respondents were satisfied to a great extent and 31.8 percent of them were satisfied to some extent with the quality of water supplied from the main source. Majority of the respondents had knowledge about waterborne disease. Family members suffered waterborne diseases i. e. Diarrhea (37.3 %), Cholera (26.7 %), Viral hepatitis (40.0 %), and Gas trouble/ gastroenteritis (53.6 %).30.9 percent of them were agreed that Pakistan is particularly having serious problems of fresh water supply/ resources. A significant association was found between education & income of the respondents and facing any water born disease. Therefore, a public policy related to health and safety in those rural areas should be designed and implemented timely.
Keywords: Drinking water quality, Water, Behavioral sociology, Rural sociology, Rural health, Regression, Developing country
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015,
Pages: 523 - 528