Rate the Article: Optical Analysis, Urbach and Bandgap Energy of Mn0.8+x Zn0.2TixFe2-2xO4 with x=0.15-Manganese -Zinc Ferrite system doped with Titanium, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Physics Science | India | Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015 | Rating: 6.6 / 10

Optical Analysis, Urbach and Bandgap Energy of Mn0.8+x Zn0.2TixFe2-2xO4 with x=0.15-Manganese -Zinc Ferrite system doped with Titanium

Satheesh D. J., Jayakumari Isac

Abstract: The authors prepared a crystalline ceramic material Mn0.8+x Zn0.2TixFe2-2xO4 with x=0.15 by conventional solid state reaction technique which involves selection of raw materials, mixing, milling and calcination at high temperature. Characterization studies are done using U-V analysis and Wemple- Di Domenico single-oscillator model. Absorption spectra and reflectance spectra of the sample are analyzed. Optical constants such as refractive index, extinction coefficient, normal-incidence reflectivity, and absorption coefficient are calculated and their dependence on temperature is studied. Band gap energy is determined using Tauc method. Urbach energy and Dispersion of refractive index is also analyzed.

Keywords: Mn08+x Zn02TixFe2-2xO4 with x=015, U-V analysis, Wemple- DiDomenico single-oscillator model, Absorption spectra, Reflectance spectra, Optical constants, Band gap energy, Tauc method

Edition: Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015,

Pages: 605 - 610

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