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Research Paper | Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences | Sudan | Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018
Estimation of Pineal Gland Volume for Normal Adult Sudanese Using MRI
Mazin B. A. Hassib | M. E. M. Garelnabi [5] | Ahmed B. A. Hassib | Suhaib Alameen [3]
Abstract: In present study, we established the volume of the pineal gland and it shapes in normal Sudanese adult using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.159 onsecutive patients scannedfor Brian with MRI to pineal regionby use MRI machine 1.5 T the sequence was 3D-T1. Detailed Demographic Information of Population including, age, gender, weight, height, and BMI was recorded. The Disk Summation Method (DSM) used to measure the normal pineal gland in normal individuals, and the shape of pineal gland were evaluated in Axial & Sagittal imagesThe results shows that thepineal gland volume shows slightly difference between the gender were the female 0.1350.0063 cm3and for the male 0.1370.0063 cm3, using analysis of variance test for the age with body mass index BMI and the pineal gland volume were the p. value show there is significant difference between the body mass index 0.000 and pineal gland volume 0.037 with age. The distribution of shape of pineal gland showed three different shape pear, fusiform and cone shape were the pear shape found in 22 case with percentage 13.8 %, the fusiform shape found in 61 case with percentage 38.4 % and the cone shape in 76 case with percentage 47.8 %. The pineal gland volume can be estimated using the following linear equations pineal gland V = 0.0004 (Age/ys) + 0.1262, pineal gland V= 0.0012 (BMI) + 0.1104 in our study, the mean S. D pineal gland volumes using Disk Summation Method were found to be 0.136 0.007 cm3. also the different morphologic Characteristics of the pineal gland were found three shapes in normal Sudanese adult pear shape 14 %, fusiform shape 38 % and cone shape 48 % from total sample.
Keywords: Pineal gland volume, Disk Summation Method, morphologic Characteristics of pineal gland
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018,
Pages: 1200 - 1205
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