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Research Paper | Linguistics | Iran | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Comparing the Role of Traditional and Incidental Vocabulary Teaching on Developing EFL Students? Vocabulary by Means of Interactive White Boards
SirousIzadpanah | Jafar Asadi [3]
Abstract: This study compared the traditional technique of teaching vocabulary with that of incidental implicit procedure using interactive white board and the use of elaboration technique. A pre-test, treatment, post-test design was employed. There were 48 Iranian pre-university students in two intact classes. A t-test was run on the results to see if there was any difference in the gain of vocabulary. The results revealed that the class in which the inter active white board and the elaborated texts were utilized had a much better performance than the traditional group
Keywords: Incidental vocabulary teaching, Interactive white board, L1 equivalent, Elaboration
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015,
Pages: 2611 - 2616
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