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Research Paper | Engineering Science | Iran | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Evaluation and Selection of Organizational Enterprise Information Systems with Phase QFD Approach
Farzaneh Zamharir | Reza Rezai
Abstract: Withregard that automation factory inguided by information technology, so concentration for improving soft wareEnterprise for getting optimal Enterprise information systems is increasing. Anyway, low studies were done for this sybject. In this study, it wastried to evaluate NFR in organizational enterprise information systems by using QFD method. The proposed method studied large amount of information in aproductive company. According to the study results, it was cleare that the main factor in developing software enterprise was customer oviented.
Keywords: Enterprise information systems Organizational phase QFD architect, NFR
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 788 - 790
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