Abstract of Histological and Bio, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Biology | Iraq | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017

Histological and Biochemical Changes in Diabetic Albino Male Rats Treated with Soybean Glycine max (L.) Seeds

Dr. Abed Hassan Baraaj

Abstract: Soybean [Glycine max (L. )] seeds is used in folklore medicine. This study was designed for improving blood glucose level and preventing long-term complications in diabetes mellitus by soybean seeds and clarify their role on histological changes in kidney, islet ofLangerhans, adrenal gland and changes in the Kidney Functions diabetic rats.24 males spraque-Dawley Albino rats were divided into 4 groups, each group included 6 rats. First group was considered as a control, feed ad Libitum with conventional diet second group was treated with soy bean seeds was addition to conventional, diet (30 %) third group was induced-diabetic rats using alloxan and fourth group was induced-diabetic rats treated with soybean seeds was addition to conventional diet for 6 weeks. The main histological changes in kidney was massive inflammatory which appeared around blood vessels, vacuolar degeneration in tubular epithelial cells, karyolysis and Karyorrhexis and some glomerular degeneration. The islets of Langer hans showed severe necrotic changes, especially in the center, karyolysis dilatation of large vessels and marked increase in connective tissue component. The adrenal glands also showed cytoplasmic fat vacuolation and pyknotic nuclei (Necrosis) in the cells of zona glomerulosa-alloxan-induced diabetes. That resulted many changes in kidney functions such as a significant increase [P<0.05] in plasma levels of creatinine and urea. Moreover the significant decrease [P<0.05] in body weight of diabetic rats was observed. In current study it can be Concluded that the treatment of diabetic rats with soybean seeds resulted amelioration of histological changes in kidney, islets ofLangerhans, adrenal glands and changes in kidney Functions.

Keywords: alloxan-kidney-pancreas-adrenal-diabetes-soybean

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017,

Pages: 2507 - 2516

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How to Cite this Article?

Dr. Abed Hassan Baraaj, "Histological and Biochemical Changes in Diabetic Albino Male Rats Treated with Soybean Glycine max (L.) Seeds", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017, pp. 2507-2516, https://www.ijsr.net/get_abstract.php?paper_id=14061704
