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Research Paper | Medicine Science | Ethiopia | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Traditional Uses and Medicinal Value of Aromatic Plant Species in Home Gardens of Sodo-Zuria District in Wolayta Zone
Abstract: . This study was conducted in Sodo-Zuria district between October 2017 and July 2018. It was focused on the investigation of traditional uses of aromatic medicinal plant species of the study area. A total of 63 (13 male and 50 female) informants, aged between 25-95 years old were identified from 9 kebeles. Relevant information was collected by using semi-structured interview, field observation, field guided interviews, group discussion and open ended questions. Frequency distribution, percentage and preference ranking method were used to analyze the collected data.20 aromatic medicinal plant species were identified and collected from the selected home gardens. The reported medicinal plant species were distributed in 8 families with Apiaceae 2 species, Asteraceae 4 species, Brascaceae 2 species, Lamiaceae 6 species, Solanaceae 3 species, Mytraceae, poaceae, and Rutaceae each contributed 1 species. The category of reported species includes shrubs 9 (45.00 %) species, herbs 8 (40.00 %) species, climbers 2 (10.00 %) species and grass 1 (5.00 %) species. The most important parts utilized for preparation of remedies were leaves from 10 (50.00 %) species, rhizome from 1 (5.00 %) species, seeds from 3 (15.00 %) species, flowers from 5 (25.00 %) species and fruits from 1 (5.00 %) species. The most common diseases identified in the study area were stomachache, eye disease, tonsillitis, evil eye, evil spirit, chill, common cold and pneumonia were treated by medicines prepared from aromatic species. The knowledge of medicinal value of aromatic plant species is wider among elderly women and men while the young are comparatively less knowledgeable. This indigenous knowledge on aromatic medicinal plants was gradually disappearing due to the secrecy, unwillingness of the young generation to gain the knowledge, disinterest of the young generation in traditional medicine and the influence of modern education. Local administration, NGOs and other stockholders must involve in awareness creations on traditional healers to transfer their knowledge to the next generation without secrecy and biodiversity conservation.
Keywords: Aromatic plant species, Traditional knowledge, Home garden, Medicinal plants, Traditional healers
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017,
Pages: 2741 - 2747
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