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Research Paper | Physical Education | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Effect of Football Training Program on Technical Performance of Short Pass and Receiving the Ball of Maharashtriya Mandals Pune Vyayamshala Players
Majid Mohammed | Dr. Mahesh Deshpande
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to develop skill short pass and receiving to beginners football players under 12 year. The researcher was conducted. Effect of Football Training Program on Technical Performance of Short Pass and Receiving the Ball of MaharashtriyaMandals Pune VyayamshalaPlayers. Population of the study were from 9 to 12 football players of M. M. P. V. Beginner Football Coaching Primary School purposive sampling technique was used to select the subjects.20 subjects the age from of 9 to 12 were selected from M. M. P. V. Football Coaching Beginner Pune. McDonald soccer skill test was used to find the push pass of ability of the players. Experimental design was used for this research to find out the difference. The research was conducted in three phases the 1st phase the pre-test, the 2nd phase the training program, and the 3rd phase the post- test. Descriptive statistics was used to find out the mean, median, standard deviation, minimum and maximum scores. Then paired sample t-test was used to find the comparison of pre and post test. The mean score of the pre-test was 5.35 & 3.75 and post-test showing a significant increase to 8.6 & 6.5. Hence there was a significant difference of the training program on the passing and receiving of the 9 to 12 football players.
Keywords: Football, technical performance, maharshtra mandal, vyayamshala players
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1861 - 1867
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