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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Minimizing Routing Disruption along with Energy Saving and Risk Aware Mitigation for Routing Attacks in IP Networks
Varsha Gosavi | S. P. Pingat [5]
Abstract: Today, the internet takes important role in communication infrastructure throughout the world. There is communication between two nodes which are connected to each other through the link in the wired connection. It is viewed that IP link failures occur in the internet. IP link failures are common in the internet for various causes such as internet backbone and disconnection of a link. These various causes can lead to millions of packet loss for several seconds. Therefore, quickly recovering from IP link failures is important for improving Internet availability and reliability. To avoid all these issues by taking help of Backup paths. In IP networks backup paths are commonly used for protecting IP links from failures. Backup path is nothing but the alternate path in the network while existing path is not available. With Probabilistically Correlated Failure (PCF) model, user chooses suitable backup paths for minimizing routing disruption. When link failures are occur, data is divided onto multiple backup paths which reduce the load of the network. Here proposed a technique of minimizing routing disruption with energy saving and avoid routing attacks via risk aware mitigation in IP networks
Keywords: routing, failure, backup paths, IP networks
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 2092 - 2096
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