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Research Paper | Education Management | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
The Effect of Exercise Phase Preparation Combination Special of Sport Massage toward Resistance of Muscle, Flexibility and Explosive Power of Muscle on Students Non Athlete
Novita Sari Harahap [2] | Aznanlelo | Ambrosius Purba | Rosita Juwita Sembiring
Abstract: Physical good condition is one of decisive factors in achieving a sport achievement so it is necessary to preparation exercise program that gradually, planned and systematic which as in the preparation phase special exercises (LPK). Exercises that use in anaerobic energy system that has the potential to produce a high lactic acid, this is causes impaired formation of ATP, occurred fatigue and affect the physical condition. This study was aimed to know the effect of exercise phase preparation combination special of sport massage toward Basic physical condition which consists of resistance of muscle, flexibility and explosive power of muscle. Subject of the study was consist of 20 students faculty of sport and science UNIMED who is not an athlete (age 18, 50 0, 483 years, weight 59, 60 4, 014 kg, height 166, 15 2, 554 m). Subjects were randomized in 2 groups, namely Special preparation phase training group (LPK+SM) (n=10) and Special preparation phase training group (LPK-SM) (n=10). Special preparation phase training program 3 days (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) Every week for 8 weeks. Measurement of physical condition is performed before exercise and after 8 weeks of practice. The results showed that there was a significant increase (p<0, 05) on muscle endurance, Explosive power of muscle and elasticity after 8 weeks of exercise in both groups LPK+SM and LPK-SM than before practice. There is a significant difference (p<0, 05) between the two groups, which increases muscle endurance, explosive muscle power and better abilities in groups of LPK+SM than the group of LPK-SM. It can be concluded that Exercise special combination preparation phase of sport massage is more effective in improving basic physical conditions than other exercise groups.
Keywords: Massage_Resistence, Muscle Flexibility, Power of Muscle
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 125 - 130