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Research Paper | Social Work | India | Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016
Geriatric Social Worker's Management - Need of the Hour in Present Indian Senario
Sam Sangeeth.G | M. Daniel Solomon [2]
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to portray the importance scope of geriatric social worker in oldage care. Ageing population is expanding dramatically and unprecedentlyboucingincreaseingly. It is obligatory for geriatric social work to be ready to meet the challenges with preparedness. Social work profession is a profession which enhances the person by helping the individual to help himself or herself. Social work has emerged from west, it is having emancipatory approach and has healthy impact on individuals, groups and communities. In particular elderly population increasing more and faceingmultifacet problems raging in their lives. The solution which has to be from geriatric social work. In other words, the Geriatric social work must be part of multidisciplinary team. The psychosocial aspects are assessed and intervention scientifically which most significant aspect of holistic development in geriatric social work profession.
Keywords: Getriatric, Oldage Scope, Need, Present scenario
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016,
Pages: 2131 - 2133
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