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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Constitution and Adventitious Domain Relevance for Establishing Features in Opinion Mining
D. D. Patil | Hafsa N. Mohd Yusuf
Abstract: In this paper, we've got an inclination to propose a totally distinctive technique to identify opinion options from on-line reviews by exploiting the excellence in opinion feature statistics across 2 corpora, one domain-specific corpus (i. e. , the given review corpus) and one domain-independent corpus (i. e. , the contrastive corpus). We have got an inclination to capture this difference via a live called domain affiliation (DR), that characterizes the affiliation of a term to a text assortment. We have got an inclination to initial extract a list of candidate opinion choices from the domain review corpus by method a group of descriptive linguistics dependence rules. For each extracted candidate feature, we've got an inclination to then estimate its intrinsic-domain affiliation (IDR) and extrinsic-domain affiliation (EDR) scores on the domain-dependent and domain-independent corpora, severally. The aim of document-level (sentence-level) opinion mining is to classify the final judgement or sentiment expressed during a personal review document. We, thus, call this interval thresholding the intrinsic and extrinsic domain affiliation (IEDR) criterion. Evaluations conducted on 2 real-world review domains demonstrate the effectiveness of our projected IEDR approach in identifying opinion choices.
Keywords: IDR, EDR, IEDR
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016,
Pages: 301 - 305
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Research Paper, Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016
Pages: 1730 - 1734Discovering the Features in Opinion Mining via Domain Dependent and Domain Independent Relevance
Pallavi D. Jawalkar | G. J. Chhajed [2]
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Survey Paper, Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016
Pages: 205 - 207Surv?y on ?v?lu?tion of F?ci?l ?xpr'ssions
Dr. Snthil Rgvn V K