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Research Paper | Material Science | Nigeria | Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017
Computation of Free Convective Nusselt Number from Horizontal Cylinders Using Semi-Empirical Relationships
B. S. Mbang | M. F. Haque [2]
Abstract: Natural convective heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder in gases is theoretically studied. A test cylinder of length 20cm is used. A thin wire runs coaxially in the cylinders of varied diameter of 0.01 to 0.03mm and is maintained at a constant temperature of 540C by an electric current. The wire is exposed progressively to air, argon, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen at atmospheric pressure and at 230C. On a logarithmic scale, the Nusselt number is plotted against the Raleigh number using five traditional correlations, Morgan, Kyte et al, Chu and Churchill, Kuehn and Goldstein, and Raithby and Holland. A new correlation relation is developed which agrees well with the basis Kyte et al experimental.
Keywords: Nusselt number, Raleigh number, Grashof number, heat transfer
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017,
Pages: 1078 - 1081
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Research Paper, Material Science, Saudi Arabia, Volume 11 Issue 3, March 2022
Pages: 445 - 450The Role of miRNA in Colorectal Cancer for Early Detection and Potential Clinical Significances
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