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Research Paper | Mathematics | Iraq | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
On Rate of Convergence of Jungck-Picard-S. Iterative Scheme
Zeana Z. Jamil | Assma K. Abdullateef
Abstract: This paper concerns with the convergence, rate of convergence, of Jungck-Picard-S. iterative scheme. We show that the previous iteration converges to a unique common fixed point when applied to a pair of Jungck-contraction mappings under certain condition. Also, we compare the speed of various Jungck-iterative schemes with Jungck-Picard-S for a pair of Jungck-contraction mappings using certain condition.
Keywords: Jungck iterative schremes, Rate of convergence sequences, Convergent sequences, Jungck contraction mapping
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 615 - 619
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