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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | Nigeria | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
The Effect of Object Oriented Programming on the Implementation of Biometric Security System for Electronic Banking Transactions
ONU Fergus U. PhD | ENEJI Samuel E. | ANIGBOGU Gloria
Abstract: Right access to records is a sensitive issue especially in this era of electronic bankimg transactions. This paper focused on the feature of Object Oriented Programming and how it can be annexed to design a biometrics security system for securing electronic banking transactions. The Paper discussed the effecst of object oriented programming concepts in designing Biometric security system for e-banking transactions. A survey was carried out with 100 respondents from the fields of IT, Banking and bank customers in Cross River State-Nigeria and data collected were analyzed using the arithmetic mean and presented in a 5-points linkert-type scale. It was deduced from the analysis that biometric system though complexcan easily be implemented with OOP languages. The research also revealed thatt not all mobile and hand-held devices have the features to support the use of biometric security system for electronic banking transactions. The research summerily revealed that OOP has the suiitable features and ability to handle the complexities of biometric systems and can resolve the intricacies of integrating such biometric systems into electronic banking transactions to ensure authentic right of access to all banking transactions.
Keywords: Object Oriented Languages, Electronic Banking, Online Transaction, Biometric Authentication, Bio-data
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 935 - 941
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