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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
ARM based 3-Axis Seismic Data Acquisition System using Accelerometer Sensor
Shubhangi Choure | R. H. Adekar
Abstract: Seismology is the scientific study of earthquakes and the propagation of seismic waves through the earth. The large improvement has been seen in seismology from around hundreds of years. The seismic data plays an important role in the seismic data acquisition. The recorded seismic data is used by seismologists for analysis purpose. This analysis includes mapping of Earths interior, locating an earthquake properly, and measuring magnitude of an earthquake. The more efficient systems are used now a day to locate the earthquakes as large improvements has been done in this field. In older days analog systems are used for data acquisition. The analog systems record seismic signals in a permanent way. These systems are large in size, costly and are incompatible with computer. Due to these drawbacks these analog systems are replaced by digital systems so that data can be recorded digitally. In this paper, a recent development in seismic data acquisition has been focused. A cost-effective, small size seismic data acquisition system is implemented successfully based on ARM. The system consists of an Accelerometer sensor for sensing seismic signal along 3-axis corresponding to accelerations and can save the respective data in the memory which can be used for further analysis. The software routines written in MATLAB give graphical representation of seismic data along X, Y, and Z axis. An ARM processor compares the input signal with reference signal which is already set into the ARM processor. If the value of input signal exceeds reference signal then an alarm about possibility of an earthquake rang in PC.
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 705 - 708
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