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Review Papers | Anatomy and Histology | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Third Molar Impaction and its Clinical Correlation- A Systematic Review
M. Ashfaq Ahmed | Dr. Thenmozhi
Abstract: AIM To determine the intensity of the impacted third molar and its clinical correlation. OBJECTIVE This study was done to check the impacted third molar and to study its clinical correlation. BACKGROUND A wisdom tooth or third molar is one of the three molars per quadrant of the human dentition. Wisdom teeth generally erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. Wisdom teeth commonly affect other teeth as they develop becoming impacted or & quot, coming in sideways. & quot, They are often extracted when this occurs. Impacted wisdom teeth (or impacted third molars) are wisdom teeth which do not fully erupt into the mouth because of blockage from other teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth are classified by their direction of impaction, their depth compared to the biting surface of adjacent teeth and the amount of the tooth & #039, s crown that extends through gum tissue or bone. A lack of room to allow the teeth to erupt results in a risk of periodontal disease and dental cavities that increases with age. Only a small minority of adults age 65 years or older maintain the teeth without caries or periodontal disease and 13 % maintain unimpacted wisdom teeth without caries or periodontal disease. REASON This study may help people in understanding the significance of the third molar impaction.
Keywords: Impacted third molar, extraction, anaesthesia, bleeding, gauze, inferior alveolar nerve, lingual nerve, complications
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 80 - 83
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