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Research Paper | Mathematics | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Degree of Approximation of a Function Belonging To Lip (?(t), p) And W(L_r,?(t) ) Class By (C,2) (E,1) Means of Its Fourier Series And Conjugate Fourier Series
Shobha Shukla | U. K. Shrivastav [3]
Abstract: This paper introduces the concept of (C, 2) (E, 1) product operators and establishes two new theorems on (C, 2) (E, 1) product summability of Fourier series and its conjugate Fourier series.
Keywords: C, 2 operators, E, 1 operators, C, 2 E, 1 product operators, Lip t, p class of functions, W L_r, t class of function, Fourier series, conjugate Fourier series, Lebesgue integral
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 663 - 667
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