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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Effectiveness of SIM on Knowledge & Practice among Nurses Regarding Prevention of UTI in Patients with Indwelling Catheter
Christy Annie Zachariah
Abstract: A study to assess the effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge and practice among staff nurses regarding prevention of urinary tract infection in patients with indwelling catheter in selected hospitals. Imogene kings goal attainment theory was used as the conceptual frame work. Non probability purposive sampling technique was used to select 30 samples. A structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge and an observational check list was used to assess the practice of staff nurses regarding prevention of urinary tract infection in patients with indwelling catheter. The findings revealed that the that SIM was effective in improving the knowledge and practices of nurses regarding prevention of urinary tract infection in patients with indwelling catheter as the p value <0.0001. There is a positive correlation between knowledge and practice score of staff nurses regarding prevention of urinary tract infection in patients with indwelling catheter as p value is< 0.05.
Keywords: SIM Self instructional module, Knowledge, practice, UTI Urinary tract infection, indwelling catheter
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 833 - 836
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